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Baby Shark

2 reviews
45.8 k downloads

Play karaoke with this catchy song

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Baby Shark is a musical rhythm game based on the popular children's song, Baby Shark. Developed by SmartStudy, the game is suitable for young children and can be downloaded for free on Uptodown.

Baby Shark features a colorful and attractive design that is very appealing to children. The game's characters include members of the shark family, as well as other aquatic and land animals. The game's music is based on the song Baby Shark, which has become a hit around the world. Baby Shark has several levels where players must follow the beat to get a high score. Each level features different beats and music patterns that challenge players to stay in time with the music. Players can tap and swipe the screen to follow the beat and music in the game.

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Baby Shark also features a real-time multiplayer mode that lets you play against other players online. Players can share their scores online and compare them with friends and family. In addition to music and beats, Baby Shark features colorful images and graphics that children love. Players can interact with the game's characters and explore different settings.

Overall, Baby Shark is a fun and entertaining game for young children. The music and graphics will delight children, and the game is easy to play.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.1 or higher required

Frequent questions

What is the size of Baby Shark's APK?

Baby Shark's APK is about 90 MB, so you won't need much storage space on your Android device to be able to install this app.

Is Baby Shark safe for children?

Yes, Baby Shark is safe for children. It doesn't contain inappropriate content, and the developers have implemented security measures to protect users' privacy.

Is an Internet connection required to play Baby Shark?

No, you don't need an Internet connection to play Baby Shark, but some of the game's features, such as the online score sharing option, do require an Internet connection.

Is Baby Shark free for Android?

Yes, Baby Shark is free for Android. Simply download the updated APK file from Uptodown to get the latest version of this video game. On the app, you'll also find in-app purchases to get extra elements in the game.

Is it possible to download new songs on Baby Shark?

Yes, Baby Shark allows you to download new songs and add them to the game. Additional songs are available with in-game purchases.

Information about Baby Shark 40.01

Package Name kr.co.smartstudy.babyshark_android_googlemarket
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Education & Languages
Language English
70 more
Downloads 45,804
Date Aug 5, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 39.96 Android + 5.0 Nov 8, 2023
apk 39.91 Android + 5.0 Sep 18, 2023
apk 39.90 Android + 5.0 Nov 26, 2023
apk 39.87 Android + 5.0 Aug 29, 2023
apk 39.85 Android + 5.0 Jun 12, 2023
apk 38.84 Android + 5.0 May 20, 2023

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2 reviews


glamorousredhawk39247 icon
3 months ago


mabrouknaguez icon
in 2019

to make them smart to learn to grow n


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